First Post!!
Welcome to the brand new and OFFICIAL website of Heckles & Horror! We have kicked around the idea of starting a website for a while now as another way to interact with and bring great Horror content to our loyal fans, and we are excited to finally take a step in this new direction! Though the website is coming along nicely thanks to the diligence and huge efforts of our producer Andrew Moore, it is still in its infancy stage, so bear with us! The entire site will be up and running soon enough at which point we will be able to have continuous updates on all things H&H and horror community related! In addition to the new website, you can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch by searching Heckles and Horror on all of those platforms! Also, be on the lookout for the H&H store which we will be opening once the website is entirely up and running. We will have some really cool items available with many more great items coming soon! We are also excited to be moving closer to our H&H Plays spinoff show that will focus on horror video game streaming with appearances from both TJ and Andrew! Until then, be sure to tune in and watch us every Tuesday night at 11 pm EST on!